Sunday, March 3, 2013

Family Room

Wow! I am one blessed woman! My husband says after looking at so many types of flooring. "You pick it and Ill lay it". I had so many different kinds I wanted, but when it came down to it, it was about the bottom dollar. We had to do the dining room as its attached to the family room, so that is almost 500 sq ft. We knew we wanted hardwood, with dogs and teenagers its a no brainer. I also knew I wanted a darker, more rustic looking floor, so my focus was hickory. I am a HUGE Lowes fanatic but I had acquired a 10% off coupon from "the Depot" so being the cheap skate I am, I decided to find one there. Eric found one he loved but it was 2.49 per sq ft. I found one that was scraped and thick and wonderful buzz...3.29 sq ft. Nope. Ok. I went further down the line and found something called Kingston Peak Hickory... I looked, pondered, and then took it home. I thought about it more and kept asking Eric. Well.. After the 10th time he's like. "Whatever you want, just do it". So we went, grabbed our 21 boxes and underlayment and went home. My hubby has Fridays off and with the kids gone he decided to take on the task.

1. Removed carpet & padding
2. Remove tack strip
3. Make sure there are no staples, nails, etc still down.
4. Sweep all the debris and dust
5. Ready for the underlayment. There are different types for different floors so make sure you get the right one.
6. Ready to install the laminate. Make sure you have he proper tools, saw, hammer or mallet, wood block (Eric just made one) and last but not least, the infamous "super shoe" (basically any tennis shoe that will help those stubborn ends into place)

It took him about 6 hours. When I got home. I couldn't believe the difference. Night and day!!!

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