Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Coffee Bar

Do you have a space that needs love and attention, that you have no idea what to do with? Well we do. In our kitchen the previous owners had built a lighted counter area with glass blocks. It's pretty cool, especially when you light it up, but its not overly functional. However it did have a MUCH needed outlet (we have two outlets in our kitchen, and my Kitchenaide must have power..remember old house...) So..I immediately thought coffee bar, right? How fun to dress up with some glass canisters and my cow creamer.. I ran to our local TJ Maxx (we are not blessed with a Home Goods, which saddens me) and picked out a couple cute glass containers. One for the pods and one for bulk coffee (4.59 for both) its always good to mix and match your heights Now, I just needed a tray.. That I had, in fact, I had a couple, but the wood one won out. (Seagrass one was too bulky and I could see my little cow falling to his death). It needed a bit more color, so I just threw some lovely spring flowers in a old pitcher and that did it. It didn't take me too long to throw it together. Takes more time cleaning up grinds daily...grr... It's a great way to use weird spaces! Take a look... Oh... My kids are infatuated with the old rotary dialed phones which you can see in the pic.

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