Saturday, February 23, 2013

Nooks & Crannies

I love older homes! But with older homes comes narrower doorways and lower ceilings. Earlier this evening we moved in our new"er" basement furniture (a BIG thank you to my sister and brother in law for kindly paying it forward and giving us theirs) thinking that getting that stuff down there would be much less hassle than the appliance issue. Well... Not so much. First came in the sofa. It didn't like the narrow doorway to the basement so, lets move the fridge out (again) Yeah, no. Plan B. Lets move the recliners in and deal with the sofa after. Ok. Done. Back to the sofa. With the Fridge out, doors off, still no go. Sideways, up on its butt, take the feet off. Nope, still nothin. Scratching their heads, they stood and pondered (my wonderful hubby and my most wonderful brother-n-law) THEN...out of the blue, a vision, an idea of all ideas.. I said.. "Why don't u go through the back door". This was probably the best suggestion ever! My brother in law looked at me in amazement and exclaimed "Why didn't you think of that before?" Listen, I'm 43, it doesn't just come to me that quickly.. Ok. Back out the door, through the garage and around the back (mind you it's snowy and icy) They're in! Not so fast... Light needs to come down, another door off and... They ascend to the basement. SUCCESS! Whew.. First stage of man cave complete..

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