Monday, February 25, 2013

Southern Crosses

We've been in our home for 3 weeks and I still have trinkets and accessories yet to put out (as you can see by he pics) I guess between the winter blahs, work and trying to find my design mojo I've been in a funk. So after watching 3 hours of HGTV on Sunday AM (giving the kids until 10 until the hammer started swinging) I decided to work on the infamous cross wall. I struggled on where to put it, as its always a conversation piece when people come into our home. So I debated and decided on the dining room. A wonderfully bright space in morning as well as the afternoon with a huge picture window that looks over the back yard. The wall can be seen from the family room as well as the kitchen, it also will provide all that exit and enter a sense of peace for the day.
My cross collection came by accident. About 5 years ago when we lived in "Aggieland", I had visited the home of a neighbor, when she showed me her kitchen there was a massive wall of crosses, It was so neat, and I couldn't stop commenting about it. When our neighbor moved that fall she brought over a small box. Inside were 6 crosses from her collection, and thats where it began and its grown to 26, purchasing 1-2 each time we moved (and unfortunately it was a lot between College Station and Fort Wayne) Although I don't remember which cross was from each home, I do remember the ones that were given to me as we'll as my husbands Grandmothers that we got when she passed. Now that we finally have a home that we can grow into, I hope that our collection becomes one I can grow by collection vs. moving. Oh, by the way..just ignore the mess..we're still under construction...

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