Wednesday, March 6, 2013

King of the Hill

Although there are no DIY tips in this blog, it's definitely 'Hood' worthy. The home we purchased is in a neat neighborhood with larger homes, big yards and in our case an even larger driveway. We're at the front of the neighborhood and our home sits above (or it seems anyway) everyone else on a hill. We've had many comments on our winding driveway. It's a beautiful setting. That was until today.... For the first time since we moved back from Texas (3 years now...ugh :)) we had the largest snow fall, 11", from what we measured. So picturesque, and serene. The trees covered, and the ground glistened. The dogs were in their heyday, and all I wanted was a true SNOW DAY. The kids were off but alas a snowy trek to work. We don't yet own a tractor, or even a snow blower, just a shovel. Since we opted to at least sleep in, we chose not to shovel, my husband just did what he likes to do and "make it work". This entailed taking Stella (my Yukon Denali) down the driveway and back up, marking a path to assist all who go forth. Well, going down the driveway went great, it was getting UP the driveway (for him) that proved difficult. When I got home I wanted to make sure he got into the garage ok ( as the kids did do some shoveling earlier). I started a path and was doing pretty well until I saw him start up the drive, then back down the drive, then off and revving to get up again. Yep. He was stuck. He came, stole my shovel, and I went in to do what I do best, cook. Enjoy the pics .. (Yes a few may be fuzzy)

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