Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Traditions..

I don't remember how old I was when my mom made a bunny out of two cake pans, but I had to have been young. Every year we did a bunny cake. I thinks that's where I started loving coconut, she just piled it on. My dad isn't a fan of coconut so I often wondered in my later years if it was intentional so she could have more to herself. My grandmother made them too. She went all out and actually tinted her coconut sometimes. I love making them but my dedication hasn't been yearly., especially since the girls have gotten older. When my sister asked me to make the cake for Easter dinner this year I took the challenge. The girls wanted to help so.. I allowed them. Jensen made the cakes. I even tricked her with a white vale recepie but she caught it and discarded the yolks. She did a great job. Then came decorating.. Lets face it. My kids know I'm a control freak but.. I allowed them to help. I iced and they decorated. A word to the wise. Twizzlers chocolate is not worth it. Find the black.. More appetizing. A quick tip..(and I'm sure you all have done this). No pastry bag? Use a gallon storage bag, cut the tip and put you're decorating tip in. Happy Easter!! Enjoy you're family, he died for us so we could have days like this. The Hoods

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