Sunday, March 17, 2013

A New Light Pt 1

I've been working on our room for a couple weeks now, actually it's been in the works for a couple of months. I'm shooting for a rustic chic, or Eric calls it our "Texas" throwback. But that reveal is for another day, hopefully some time soon... But, one of the things I was looking at is lamps. For some unknown reason I have a plethora of lamps... Since my color palette is light, the couple I had just didn't fit. Plus we have the smaller (not sure how that happens) of the 3 upper rooms, so I had to find something less bulky. I visited a local shoppe and found this gem, in the back, on the sale table. The lines were current to today's style but the color was very 80's. however in true Sara fashion I knew I could make it look like I wanted. On my weekly trek to Lowes I picked up my supplies, a can of Valspar paint plus primer spray paint and a drum shade. That's it, $16 for both. I got home, prepped my outdoor space for painting. Final product ..

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