Sunday, June 9, 2013

This is the start of something new..

Over the past several weeks, I haven't had much of a chance to fix up the hood, as I've been busy helping fix up your hood. Back in March after we watched an episode of Flea Market Flip on HGTV, my girls said "Mom you could so win this" (because we do this stuff here all the time). Well unfortunately FMF is only located in LA and NY.  So a few days later I started searching on Craigslist for something to flip.  I found a very VERY old vanity from the 1800's, I picked her up for a steal of a deal.  I also picked up a dining set that weekend as well. We worked diligently on both projects, and finally got them done and listed after about a week.  The dining set sold within a couple of days and the vanity after a week. I signed up for a booth at a local Artisan sale, as well as a few more. I didn't know what I was getting into, I just knew I really loved flipping furniture and creating vintage beauty. When I sold those pieces, I turned around and bought more..I'm like ok..this is fun.  Revived was born. Craigslist was slow to sell as I kept seeing things I wanted but had to wait for inventory to sell. Patience is not one of my strong suits.  Until one day I met Emiley.  She texted me and said...I LOVE your stuff, when can I come by?   I opened up the mud room and she picked out several things. Come to find out she has a cool, and such a blessing. Then we had our first show..a sell out, really?  Ok.  I got to buy more stuff!  My garage is bursting at the seams getting ready for the next show and stage in all of this, I don't know the future, all I know is I have such a passion for doing this. The best part is I get to work with my best friend, my husband. We work so well together.. I also get the support and help of my biggest fans, my kids. Thank you Katelynne, McKenna, Jensen and Gillian for giving me that boost I need.  i will keep this blog going, but will be transitioning to the Vintage Visionaries blog to allow you to see our creations and provide you tips and support for your vintage visions..
Revived FB Page:
Emiley's Haute Cottage Page:

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1 comment:

  1. Yay yay yay! And so glad I get to a part of your story this next season :)
