Saturday, June 15, 2013

Chalk Paint...A Fad here to stay...

I will admit before a few months ago I had never heard of chalk paint, well..chalkboard paint that you write on but I honestly thought it was silly. When I did my first flip piece many moons ago I used "oops paint", a staple at my house. I saw a color and bought it. It's $5 for a gallon at Lowes or $1for a quart. I  had seen a piece someone's "pinned" and it said it used chalk paint...well I was intrigued, especially by this Annie Sloan person. Thinking I could run to the nearest retailer to get it. When I found out the price I choked a bit.  What!!  $40 for a quart, then something called a wax, and more wax, hold on here... Im just painting an old dresser not making a Picasso. 
What is so special about this dang paint ( keeping this blog G rated). So I talked to my daughter and she said she had found a recipe for chalk paint. So I got on Pinterest and began searching..I never knew how many varieties of chalk paint there were. It's like going to Ben and Jerry's and trying to find the perfect ice cream. Right!  So I chose one ..

1 TBLS of Unsanded Grout
1 Cup of latex paint. I use Valspar paint plus primer.  Any color.. Yes. ANY color
Now..mix the grout and the water to a consistency of pancake batter..must be smooth (a whisk works great). When that's done add the paint. Don't freak out if its watery..(it's supposed to be..I learned the hard way) 

$$$$$Money Saving Tip$$$$$$. Get the sample size it's less than $3 people! 

There you have it. Not only a simple economic chalk paint receptive (that works) but i gave you my secret.  

No need to sand unless you've got some serious water stains ..  

Next blog...into the thick of it ..

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