Tuesday, January 8, 2019

The Next Chapter

I was reviewing my Pinterest page, trying to find a pin that I posted, and I looked at my profile, and saw my blog link.  I forgot I loved to write. Are blogs still in?  The posts dated back to 2013.  Before Fixer Upper, before farmhouse style, before the design world went crazy..   So many things have changed since those posts.  Our daughters, all 4 of them have graduated (well we have one that is graduating this year), we've moved a couple of times, I work from home full time, and I don't paint as much furniture as I did, oh... and did I tell you we moved?  
We purchased our version of a "Fixer Upper" lake cottage style back in September..  we discovered wood floors, lots and lots of tongue and groove walls, and honey cherry colored trim - everywhere.  Its been a blessing in disguise and a work in progress.  I have ideas running through my mind 24-7, the color scheme, is fairly set and I've decided its not your typical lake house... I don't want you walking in and seeing fish hanging from the ceiling, or duck pillows, just small hints that your at the lake (other than the glaring piece of water when you come up to the door) very inviting..
So..I'm doing this again I think.  I definitely won't be 5 years until the next post.


01 02 03
04 05 06
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