Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A bit o' whimsy...

Several weeks ago I purchased a genuine cow hide for my bedroom. I wanted to have a fun anchor in our room (you can see on the 3/19/13 post) i purchased it from a woman who had cleaned her grandfathers home and found the hide in a trunk. It has that lovely old smell.  However, between the shedding dogs and some time shedding hide, I had second thoughts bout my anchor piece in my room.  Never fear.. It will have a use. I had purchased an ottoman at Walmart over Christmas for $25 its been in my living room. I wasn't in love with it but it served a purpose. A few days ago I had a vision. Why don't I cover the hide over the ottoman!  Since the hide was old there were some of the seams that were coming undone so I couldn't use as a rug any longer. Well.. It took very little time. Some heavy duty staples, a tack hammer and scissors. We measured and cut.  Right now it's in my living room but I think it may return to the foot of my bed. I want to add some studs and rough up the base..but for now, I love it!
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