Monday, May 6, 2013

Lighting up the room..

It had occurred to me(and my followers were curious as well) that I hadn't blogged in awhile. Boy, you guys are right. I definitely have been working up a storm..
As most of us crafters we have fallen in love with Pinterest, I get a lot of my ideas from other Pinners and I'm sure they get their ideas from me. A few months ago a pin popped up for a pendant lamp from a wind turbine. I was intrigued. My husband...not convinced yet. It took me awhile to find one, as they don't use them on houses much anymore. When I visited our local ReStore, one afternoon, I found her, just sitting on a shelf. I picked her up and took her home. I have to admit when I opened up the box there was a lot more to dissect than I thought. But we ventured on, removing the inside and cutting a small hole in the top for the pendant. I always shop the clearance lights at Lowes and I found the kit on clearance for the same price as the boxed version. I asked the lighting guy about the price. He lowered it to $10! Whoo hoo! SOLD! We went home and put her together. Using a Rustoleum Black Hammerd Paint (Oops paint sección, yes at Lowes $3.50) we purty her up.. I can say I love to look at her at night.

$18 Wind Turbine
$10 Pendant Kit
$ 4 Paint

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